Factory-made Knives - Fox


Welcome to Fox knives side

In the future we'll offer a small collection of the good Fox Knives from Italy


In 1977 Oreste Frati after a long experience, before in the production and then in the commercial area, established FOX Coltellerie.
The name of the company (the initials of the owner) immediately seems to be the right one. The company becomes immediately appreciated for the brilliant ideas and for the research of new materials and application of new technlogies.
FOX grows quickly, however Mr. Frati still controls and programs the productions of the company presonally. His wife Valnea and the specialized cooperators are helping him achieving these succesful results.
The professional tradition combined with the constant desire of technological innovation built up the name of FOX Coltellerie as one of the leading companies on the national and international markets.

Enjoy your outdoor life

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